Determining Player Play Level
ITF World Tennis Number rating bands are used to determine the divisions (novice, intermediate, tournament and advanced)

Competition Format
The local coordinator may use the format which best meets the needs of the local program e.g., round robin. All teams in a USTA Texas Sectional Junior Team Tennis season are required to play a minimum of two (2) team matches. Local coordinators may determine a match format that meets the needs of the local program. The method of determining the winning team of a local team match and also the winner of the local season is determined by the Local Coordinator.

Individual Match
An individual match is any singles match, doubles match, or mixed doubles match played as part of a team match.

Local Coordinators may use a scoring format within TennisLink Team Tennis online system which best meets the needs of the local program. All local play history documentation must be entered within 48 hours of the last match of the season played and before entry into any championships event. Corrections to completed scorecards must be made within 1 week of the last match of the season played, and before entry into any championship events.

Individual Defaults
An individual default occurs when a player fails to appear on time or is defaulted by a tournament official for misconduct.

Procedures in the event of a default
When a team presents a scorecard reflecting a default, the opposing team will be notified and extended the opportunity of adjusting their line-up.

Scoring of individual defaults
The defaults described will be scored in accordance with the format in TennisLink Team Tennis. In the event of a default by both opposing players, neither team receives credit for that match win or the games.

Penalties for Defaults
The area league coordinator reserves the right to place penalties on the team captain/manager for team or individual defaults.

A retirement occurs when an individual match has started and a player or a doubles team is unable to continue due to injury, loss of condition, or emergency. ○ Scoring of retirements: In case of a retirement, for the purpose of determining standings, the non-retiring player/doubles team shall be credited with such number of additional games as would have been won if the match was completed and the non-retiring player/doubles team won every subsequent game.

Player Participation
USTA Texas Sectional Junior Team Tennis players are allowed to play on more than one team in a local program during the same season, provided that the players may not play on more than one team in the same division. A player may play in any number of individual matches within a team match as determined by the local league.

Team Lineups
In USTA Texas Sectional Junior Team Tennis the team captains/managers for each team shall exchange their team lineup cards simultaneously prior to the beginning of the team match. No substitutions may be made in an individual match after the lineup has been presented, except for injury to, or illness of a player prior to the start of such match and except under such further circumstances as a local/area competition may authorize. If the substitution is made during the warm-up, the substitute is entitled to a five-minute warm-up.

The local program shall determine whether and at what times to allow coaching throughout their local programming.

Local Champions
The local competition must be concluded prior to the deadline by USTA Texas. At the conclusion of the local competition, the Area League Coordinator shall certify to USTA Texas the results of the competition and give team captains/managers information to register for sectional championships.

USTA Texas shall determine and announce the method of progression suitable for the geographical boundaries for advancement of the areas to the Sectional Championships and if any regional playoffs are needed.

Local/Area Play-offs
Each eligible team that wins a specific level of team tennis competition may be eligible to progress to the next championship.

10&Under Junior Team Tennis and the Net Generation PlayTracker
1. 10U JTT divisions listed in Tennislink to receive credit:
– 8U & 10U Beginner – Red Ball
– 10U Intermediate – Orange Ball
– 10U Advanced – Green Ball
… Players cannot play up into a division they are not eligible for but may play down a division if they wish.

2. PlayTracker points
– A player will receive credit within the division they are playing in.
– A player will receive 100 play points if they are registered and play a minimum of one dual matchwithin the season.
– A player will receive 100 win points for each singles win and 50 win points for each doubles win ingreen ball only.
– A player will only receive a maximum of 500 total PlayTracker points per JTT season in green balland a max of 100 play points in red and orange. There is no maximum number of JTT seasons aplayer can play within a year.

3. Scores/participation for players must be recorded on TL for player to receive credit.

4. Divisions must use the same colored ball (green/orange/red) for the duration of the league season.

5. Play and win points will be updated daily within a player’s PlayTracker system.

6. Players playing up into a 12U program green ball program will not receive green ball credit unless local division size was too low and divisions were approved for merge.
– 12U green ball programs must be listed as a 10U Advanced – Green Ball program and an area must adjust the age cut-off to allow for 11 & 12 year olds to play in the program.

For additional information on USTA’s new Net Generation PlayTracker system please visit

Code of Conduct

1. The highest level of sportsmanship is expected from every player! An understanding of and a commitment to the points below are part of your responsibility as a player in a USTA tournament. Violators of this code or its spirit are subject to disciplinary action.

2. Once you have entered a USTA Texas Junior Team Tennis match, honor your commitment to play. Exceptions should only occur in cases of serious illness, injury or personal emergency.

3. From the beginning of the match, play must be continuous. Attempts to stall of extend rest periods for the purpose of recovering from a loss of physical conditions (such as cramps or shortness of breath) are illegal.

4. Intentional distractions that interfere with your opponent’s concentration or efforts to play the ball are against the rules.

5. Spectators – including parents, friends and team captains/managers – are welcome to watch and enjoy matches. Their role, however, is clearly restricted to that of passive observer with no involvement of any kind during the match unless otherwise expressed.

6. Players are expected to put forth a full and honest effort regardless of the score or expected outcome.

7. Players are expected to maintain full control over their emotions and behavior throughout the match. If you begin to lose your composure during play, try the following: Take several deep breaths, exhale as slowly as possible, and feel your muscles relax. Concentrate on your own game and behavior while ignoring distractions from your opponent or surroundings. Be your own best friend – enjoy your good shots and forget about the poor ones.